

A complete system for cleaning of the
balls in the Ballpool
Ballpool ball cleaning system BBW2020:
Ballpool ball cleaning system BBW2020:
We pride ourselves on being the premier supplier of interactive Ball activities, and of course our special cleaning system for ballpool balls to Cleaning companies s.a. ISS, Attraction Parks, Ikea & the FEC’s all over the world.
Hygiene and safety in the ballponds are one of your top priorities,particularly in this day and age where they are considered of great importance.Thanks to our ball cleaning system, you can now stay on top of this problem at all times.
It is a fact that regular maintenance and cleaning of ballponds are an absolute necessity.This can be done on a weekly basis or leaving longer intervals depending on the attendance. Please consult the experts, they can tell you when a Ball Pond should be cleaned.
Research by the faculty of Chemistry,Environment and Technics (of the Saxion University ) has concluded that using the Van Veen design Ballwashing system the balls benefits a reduction of ± 75% of the bacteria.(without using a cleanser/disinfecting fluid).
Method of use
The ball sanitisation system of our company is extremely easy to use ,easy to move from place to place & made of high quality materials using top technology, this guarantees an efficient and long lasting machine.

Public Relations
The BBW2020 shows your customers that you are committed to state-of-the-art Ballpool cleaning, and better hygiene for their children.
The BBW2020 features new and improved technology at low cost.
Labour Savings
BBW2020 cleans balls at speeds of at least 20.000 balls per hour.
Imagine the time and labor savings!
Designed & constructed by professionals with safety in mind.
Causes how your ballpool can
be contaminated
The Ballpool can be contaminated by sneezing, coughing children or even by diapers that are undone or plasters on wounds that come off. Accidents happen daily.You name it …..infection is everywhere.
The BBW2020 and Interactive Ball-transporters are produced by Ballpool.CZ spol s r.o. , manufacturer since 1994 and recognized worldwide for its product innovations and service to customers.

The Ball cleaning machine:BBW2020
The machine consists of the following parts:
- 5 meter transparent hose
- Ball suction unit for balls with a diameter of 60, 70, 75 & 80mm
- 1,5 meter transport hose(connection from suction-unit to ball cleaner)
- wash unit incl. 1 brush for diam.75mm balls. or 80mm (correct size is important)
- Inox Ballcollector left & right
- INOX Bumper to protect the suction unit
- Emergency Stop
- Electromagnetic switches and Thermal overload protection.